Ford Fusion Manuals

Ford Fusion: Automatic Transmission - 6-Speed Automatic Transmission – 6F35 / Transmission Case. Disassembly and Assembly of Subassemblies

Special Tool(s) / General Equipment

Ford Fusion. Transmission Case. Disassembly and Assembly of Subassemblies 205-153 (T80T-4000-W)
Ford Fusion. Transmission Case. Disassembly and Assembly of Subassemblies 206-084
Installer, Wheel Speed Sensor Ring
Ford Fusion. Transmission Case. Disassembly and Assembly of Subassemblies 307-664
Case Bushing Installer
Flat Headed Screw Driver
Hydraulic Press


Name Specification
Loctite® 648


  1. NOTE: The transmission case bushing should only be removed if the bushing is damaged.

    NOTE: Press the bushing out of the transmission case from the outside to the inside so the transmission case rests on a flat surface.

    If necessary, use the special tools to remove and discard the LH transmission case bushing from the transmission case.
    Use Special Service Tool: 206-084  Installer, Wheel Speed Sensor Ring.
    Use the General Equipment: Hydraulic Press
Ford Fusion. Transmission Case. Disassembly and Assembly of Subassemblies
  1. Remove the differential ring gear snap ring.
Ford Fusion. Transmission Case. Disassembly and Assembly of Subassemblies
  1. Remove the differential ring gear.
Ford Fusion. Transmission Case. Disassembly and Assembly of Subassemblies


  1. Install the differential ring gear in the torque converter housing.
Ford Fusion. Transmission Case. Disassembly and Assembly of Subassemblies
  1. NOTICE: Be sure the flat side of the beveled snap ring is facing down or the ring can come loose, causing damage to the transmission.

    Install the beveled differential ring gear snap ring with the flat side facing down.
Ford Fusion. Transmission Case. Disassembly and Assembly of Subassemblies
  1. NOTE: Make sure the snap ring is seated in the groove.

    Seat the snap ring.
    Use the General Equipment: Flat Headed Screw Driver
Ford Fusion. Transmission Case. Disassembly and Assembly of Subassemblies
  1. If the transmission case bushing was removed, install a new bushing on the special tool.
    Use Special Service Tool: 205-153 (T80T-4000-W)  Handle. , 307-664  Case Bushing Installer.
Ford Fusion. Transmission Case. Disassembly and Assembly of Subassemblies
  1. Place a small amount of Retaining Compound on only the outside of the entire outer circumference of the new red Teflon® coated bushing before installation.
    Material: Loctite® 648 / 1835922 (WSK-M2G349-A4)
Ford Fusion. Transmission Case. Disassembly and Assembly of Subassemblies
  1. Using the special tool, install the new bushing in the transmission case.
    Use Special Service Tool: 205-153 (T80T-4000-W)  Handle. , 307-664  Case Bushing Installer.
    Use the General Equipment: Hydraulic Press
Ford Fusion. Transmission Case. Disassembly and Assembly of Subassemblies

    Transmission. Overhaul


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